FabLabs with Impact


What is inclusion ? multiple approaches to inclusion are linked to each specific context. 
What does it mean inclusion in the humanitarian practice? 
What does it mean inclusion in the setting of a FabLab?
    * Inclusion in the humanitarian practice (by Adriana De Oro)
    * Inclusion in the context of FabLabs (by Wendy Neale)
    * How do we practice inclusion? Wendy will lead the section to discuss examples that will challenge the way we perceive the practice of inclusion 
      in the FabLab space. (Wendy)
    * Measuring inclusion: After sharing different approaches to inclusion, the section will conclude with the question: how do we measure it? 
    What are the important elements Managers take into account to show inclusion results. What are the baselines used as well as the tools. (Adriana)


Discussing the meaning of impact for FabLab in different contexts.
How do we measure “impact” (of a Fab Lab), what are the standard practices and how could this be translated into the humanitarian practice
Use a data model and impact canvas to show how different participants are measuring impact


What is the role of the networks in reaching the expected impact. How to get connected?  
This section will explore how networks such as the FabLab community and Humanitarian Makers can interact with the Humanitarian FabKit 
in order to foster its impact. 

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